
CUBIC BEES? | MINECRAFT 1.15 Snapshots #1

CUBIC BEES? | MINECRAFT 1.15 Snapshots #1 I feel like once I begin to get more popular on YouTube, me saying "Sorry for the delay in videos" in the description will turn into more of a meme than my life (which is a lot), but I've had a rough schedule since Junior High School started for me.
So, Minecraft added bees... this wasn't expected! Although I thought these wouldn't be added, I still welcome bees into MC with open arms. Bees are such fascinating animals that deserved to be in Minecraft. But now that we have the snapshot, what is the theme of the next MAJOR update?


PREVIOUS VIDEO (Scary Stories Spoiler Review):

OUTRODUCTION SONG (Still Got The Blues):

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May the memes be with you...


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