
Feasible Inc., Overview (extended)

Feasible Inc., Overview (extended) Batteries ubiquitously power our devices and critical infrastructure. They are also core to the clean energy transition. However, few of us know what goes on inside a battery and failures and fire risks are so unpredictable. The Feasible team explains a powerful new approach to understanding batteries using ultrasound and machine learning.

Feasible innovates on battery inspection and metrology using ultrasound and machine learning to tackle the biggest challenges in battery manufacturing. The EchoStat is a rapid non-invasive test system that screens batteries with unprecedented accuracy. Feasible is based in Emeryville, CA, and the company is founded by several PhDs from Princeton U., Michigan U. and CUNY.

Shell Gamechanger feature:

batteries,electric vehicles,EV,renewable energy,ultrasound,princeton entrepenuership,shell gamechanger,GCxN,battery diagnostics,battery metrology,battery inspection,non-invasive battery testing,

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