SAME is a frequently used word in every situation including formal and informal situation.
It become important to know the meanings and different usages of this word.
In this videos, I will show you several meanings of SAME together with examples.
SAME as an adjective
Meaning (1) EXACTLY LIKE, like another, like each other.
Meaning (2) NOT ANOTHER, in the same place, time and person
Meaning (3) Same + as / Same + that for comparison meaning EXACTLY LIKE
SAME as an adverb
SAME as a pronoun
SAME as an adjective
Meaning (1) EXACTLY LIKE, like another, like each other.
My twin sister and I have the same nose.
They wears the same dress for days.
Her son and my son are the same age.
We run at the same speed.
Meaning (2) NOT ANOTHER, in the same place, time and person
We study at the same school.
My brother and I sleep in the same room.
She's been in the same job for years.
We always shop at the same places.
Meaning (3) Same + as / Same + that for comparison meaning EXACTLY LIKE
Her son is the same age as mine.
People say I look just the same as my sister.
He get the same salary as me.
I’ve got the same problem as you.
It’s the same movie that they showed last year
Same as an adverb
We treat all our children the same.
The twins always dress the same.
I need some time for myself, the same as anybody else.
Americans learn English in the same way as Cambodia.
We treat women the same as men.
Same as a pronoun
After 5 years you look exactly the same.
You are the same, no change.
Keep the same until I come back.
Some phrases with SAME and meaning in Khmer
Be in the same boat ស្តិតក្នុងស្ថានភាពដូចគ្នាជាមួយគេ (មិនល្អ យ៉ាប់)
The same story រឿងដដែលៗ
The same old story/thing រឿងចាស់ដដែលៗ
Same here នៅទីនេះក៏ដូចគ្នាដែរ (ភាសានិយាយ)
All the same ដូចគ្នាទាំងអស់
Same same ដូចគ្នា ដដែលៗ (និយាយនៅស្រុកថៃ ខ្មែរ)
Exactly the same ដូចគ្នាបេះបិ
Almost the same ស្ទើរតែដូចគ្នា
The same thing របស់តែ១ របស់ដូចគ្នា របស់ដដែល
The same to you ដូចគ្នាជាមួយឯងដែរ ដូចឯងដែរ
In the same way តាមរបៀបដូចគ្នា
At the same time នៅក្នុងពេលតែ១/ជាមួយគ្នា
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