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This is the 27th in a series of videos geared toward the person who has never worked with CAD or CAM in the Vectric Software before.
In this video, I’ll talk about a couple of methods I use to reduce 3D machining times in the Vectric software.
I’ve received a couple of questions about how long it takes to carve a 3D project using VCarve and Aspire. I’ll show you a couple of ways that you can reduce those times, by adopting new strategies, and optimizing the feed rates and plunge rates for each bit.
As usual, if you have any comments or questions about anything I covered in this video, please put ‘em in the comment section below, or visit my website (link below) and click the Contact Us link.
On Sunday, August 25th, I’ll be hosting a LIVE Q&A session, where you can ask your questions pertaining to anything I covered in this video. That Q&A starts at 3 pm Eastern time, Noon Pacific time. Hope to see you there!
Here’s a link:
Thanks for watching!
Link to the Vectric for the Absolute Beginner Playlist:
Link to the 3D Modeling for the Absolute Beginner playlist:
Link to the Vcarving for the Absolute Beginner playlist:
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For more information on, or to download a free trial of Cut 2D, VCarve, or Aspire, visit the Vectric website at:
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This video is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
#Aspire #VCarvePro #Tutorial #Beginner