
National Nutritional Week Sep. 1-7, 2019

National Nutritional Week Sep. 1-7, 2019 "Nutrient energy is the sole prescription of nature for keeping up health, resisting unfavourable conditions and curing ailments, our food is the reservoir of this energy."

Dr. U.S. Tiwari & Prof. S.S. Trivedi , founder scientists of D.S. Research Centre

About National Nutrition Week

DSRC invented Ancient ayurveda based Nutrient Energy treatment is also the extract of human edibles, which help innumerable cancer victims to get rid of disease and the mission is going on....., how the balance diet can prevent us from the diseases and how they work as a curative is proven by our founder visionary scientists, Dr. U.S. Tiwari & Prof. S.S. Trivedi their above quotes is milestone in treatment method, as of now majority of world's institutions believe that human edibles have ability to treat and prevent the disease instead of chemicals or drugs. National Nutrition Week is celebrated each year from 1st September to the 7th September to aware the people about important tips of their health and well-being. People can be aware of their food groups and balanced diet from which they can get good nutritious things to avoid several life style diseases including CANCER. The objective of the National Nutrition Week is to enhance the nutritional practice awareness among people of the community through the adoptable training, timely education, seminars, different competitions, road shows and many other campaigns and to make a healthy Nation. DSRC always believe that knowledge is power , keeping in mind we plan a flow for National Nutrition Week , each day of week we come out with superfood which has therapeutic ability and available easily in our kitchen, we also create video messages , information base one page creatives , leaflets base on & super food which is use as a tools to spread the message at all available medium .

DAY 1- Fenugreek Seeds, DAY 2- Flaxseeds, DAY 3- Garden Cress Seeds, DAY 4- Green Tea, DAY 5- Turmeric, DAY 6- Oats, DAY 7-Water

Let us all make this NATIONAL NUTRITIONAL WEEK event a Grand Success!


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