
September Reading – Capricorn – You're On the Right Track, Commit to Your Process!

September Reading – Capricorn – You're On the Right Track, Commit to Your Process! Monthly reading on the main energies and dynamics playing out for you in September 2019. Spirit chimes in with advice and support to help you pursue, develop and manifest your highest good this month.

Applies to your Sun, Moon and Rising sign.

Enjoy and I wish you a beautiful and prosperous month! ♥♥♥

Music: Zen Flow - Meditation Music


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* $50 / 30-minute Personal Reading

* $100 / 60-minute Personal Reading

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* $100 / 60-minute Relationship Reading

Ascension,spirituality,consciousness,unity consciousness,5d,creativity,lightworker,self-love,soul,new age,new earth,soul connection,soul love,twin flames,divine counterparts,soulmates,relationships,weekly card reading,monthly card reading,spirit,healer,healing,tarot,oracle cards,card reading,11:11,astrology,divine masculine,divine feminine,the heartspace,spiritual awakening,Aries,Taurus,gemini,cancer,leo,virgo,libra,scorpio,sagittarius,Capricorn,aquarius,pisces,

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