
Being Present In The Present Moment | Enlightened Hearts

Being Present In The Present Moment | Enlightened Hearts U"nease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear – are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.” ― Eckhart Tolle

“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.” – Wayne Dyer

The most challenging exercise for human beings is living in the NOW. Mostly, we spend too much time thinking about the future or even worse mourning about the past. We have a choice every day to either let the future or past steal our present moment or rejoicing in the now. Living in the future or past robs us of truly living. The only important moment is the present one. Focusing on the present moment is the secret for success.

The Lord’s prayer says “give us this day our daily bread…” It doesn’t say give us our tomorrow’s bread. Today is important. This moment right now is priceless. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

I am not against planning for the future. You must set goals and plan for the future. If you are taking care of yourself now and sowing good seeds your future will be taken care of. Don’t allow dreaming about tomorrow or past memories to replace living in the moment. This present moment is worth living. Dreaming about the future is only productive when combined with action taken today.

I heard this statement that says “if you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.” This statement is so true for many of us.  Choosing to focus and glorifying what happened yesterday will not take you closer to what you can do today.

The bible says in Matthew 6:25 – 34 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life ? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:25‭-‬28‭, ‬30‭-‬34 NIV

It is impossible to appreciate this present moment if you’re anxious, worried and trying to rehearse the past. Worry is a waste of time and it is draining.

Remember that today’s solutions will not solve tomorrow’s problems. Therefore, enjoy today while you still can.


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