
Dominican Homes - Solid, Basic AND they don’t have an issue with 1 thing American Homes suffer from

Dominican Homes - Solid, Basic AND they don’t have an issue with 1 thing American Homes suffer from

Join us as I give you a glimpse of our family’s Mission Trip to the DR with Mission of Hope. Overall, the trip was wonderful. My wife is a Physician and was able to participate in some medical home visits that She enjoyed very much and I was able to do some light construction (mostly labor as you’ll see).
We visited Makarios - a wonderful school - about 90 minutes away and this was a highlight for everyone. Makarios is doing an incredible job of educating children and caring for the entire family with home visits, literacy classes, and marriage mentoring.
For our kids, they were able to experience the way most of the world lives - in close community without many luxuries that we have in the US. When we returned the kids commented how appreciative they are of air conditioning and warm water for showers. My wife and I have made it a priority to show them that Christianity looks different around the world but we all worship the same Jesus who is our rescuer. And even though someone can be materially poor, they are spiritually rich if they have Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

It was a rich and meaningful week and we are so thankful to have this opportunity. Many of you, my Build Show subscribers, donated to our trip and we are very grateful. You can learn more about both these organizations at the links above or to schedule a trip with your church
Poverty Video I referred to:

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Huge thanks to our Show sponsors Polywall, Huber, Dorken Delta, Prosoco, Rockwool & Viewrail for helping to make these videos possible! These are all trusted companies that Matt has worked with for years and trusts their products in the homes he builds. We would highly encourage you to check out their websites for more info.


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