Here is the video which explains my motivation behind the purchase of GoPro. The shaky footage was shot with a mobile handset almost one and a half year ago with no video stabalization option
At that time I was new to videography and have just started to work on my YouTube channel. While I was filming I couldn't figure out all the movement on small screen of the handset but when I imported the files in the editing sotware and started to edit the video on the big screen then I realized that what a terrible piece of art I have captured. Though the quality was not good but still I decided to upload the video on YouTube and expectedly it was not liked by many. Rather I ended getting 50% unlikes from the views
Then few months back I purchased GoPro Hero7 Black and took the same airline's business class on the same route to test the GoPro digital video stabalization. Surprisingly it was more than I expected. You can see the results in the video. Apart from the haeting up issues of GoPro aloing with short battery life I somehow tend to love the GoPro Hero7 Black
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