
Trump's Push For Ukraine To Probe CrowdStrike Is Rooted In Wild Conspiracy Theories - Breaking News

Trump's Push For Ukraine To Probe CrowdStrike Is Rooted In Wild Conspiracy Theories  - Breaking News Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  As President Donald Trump prodded his Ukraine counterpart to investigate his potential 2020 Democratic rival, Joe Biden, he also made another request, one that stems from outlandish conspiracy notions that Trump has embraced and emboldened in recent years.  According to the summary the White House released Wednesday of a July 25 conversation between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, the U.S. president also wanted the European nation to investigate CrowdStrike, the California-based cybersecurity firm that investigated the 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee and concluded that Russian intelligence operatives were responsible for the breach.  Trump’s focus on an investigation targeting Biden in the conversation, as well as the former vice president’s son, Hunter, has spurred House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to open a formal impeachment inquiry.  It is unclear why Trump thought that Zelensky would have any reason to investigate a private U.S. cybersecurity company.   In the White House’s summary of the call, the section on Crowdstrike is broken up by two ellipses — suggesting that the notetaker couldn’t keep up with Trump’s rambling, it was too incoherent to merit detailed memorialization in an official document, or the president’s staff was trying to cover something up.   From the information we do have, it appears that Trump has mashed multiple conspiracy theories together in his brain and reached the very false conclusions that:  1. Russia was not responsible for the DNC hack (multiple U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that it was).  2. The DNC’s server is missing, which is evidence of a cover-up (there is no single server and no DNC machines are missing)  3. Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company run by a Ukrainian oligarch who falsely accused Russia of the cyberattack against the DNC. (Crowdstrike is based in Sunnyvale, California; its co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch is Russian-American.)  No evidence supports any of the above contentions.  The “Missing” DNC Server Conspiracy  When the DNC found it had a security breach in 2016, it hired CrowdStrike to investigate what happened and who was behind the attack. CrowdStrike carried out an analysis and said it immediately discovered two Russian hacker groups — known as Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear — had targeted the DNC and illegally obtained its private information.  After the FBI in 2017 launched its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, CrowdStrike provided investigators with its analysis of the DNC hack and what is believed to be a digital duplicate of the hacked servers. But the fact that CrowdStrike provided a digital copy and forensic analysis of the hack rather than

Donald Trump,Politics and Government,White House,Robert Mueller,2020 election,Joe Biden,democratic national committee,Ukraine,conspiracy theory,crowdstrike,For Ukraine,

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