God has given Jack and Rexella a desperately needed message to equip the Christians of the world to combat the apostasy and hypocrisy of many so-called Christian leaders in pulpits today.
I Timothy 4:1 says in these "latter days some shall depart the Christina faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons."
In this video teaching, Dr. Van Impe shows you how the antichrist spirit is claiming to speak in the name of the Church today.
Drs Jack and Rexella Van Impe enlighten you with answers to these critical questions;
Where is false prophecy rampant in the Church today?
Is it right to judge false prophets?
How do I know if my church is apostate?
How are new Bible translations destroying the message of Christianity?
Who is advancing an unholy hybrid of Christianity and Islam called Chrislam?
And many more!
Order the full teaching here:
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