
Day 2 Gift Closet Inventory

Day 2 Gift Closet Inventory 0:03 HI Everyone! It's Mary and here we are on Day 2! We are going to take a gift closet inventory.

0:10 Now I know that some of you buy gifts all year round. I applaud you for that. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if for some of you- your shopping is all done! Well, great. I'm not in that category and I know a lot of others aren't either.

0:24 But if you are buying gifts year round OR you receive gifts that are great but they're just not right. Or they're duplicates. Or something else that you put into a...I don't know...where do you put them? Ha Ha! That's the reason we're going to take an inventory today. Remember, and then go try and find them.

0:44 A good idea is to designate a place in a closet. I have a box in a closet where I put these things. You can't believe how surprised I am when I look in there now and again, because I completely forget.

0:56 Keeping track of what's available for gift giving will table you to save time and money on gifts this year. I'll see you tomorrow!

Debt-Proof Living with Mary Hunt was created and hosted by, me, Mary Hunt. Produced by Julie Emerson, with Harold Hunt, Executive Producer.

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Music Item Title: This is Christmas Item URL: Item ID: C4NZ9CV Author Username: TimCat Licensee: Mary Hunt Registered Project Name: Podcasts License Date: November 8th, 2019 Item License Code: R7P6YGNDM8


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