The story opens with the condition of a pandemic that is getting worse to the point of endangering the lives of Deacon, his true best friend - Boozer, and of course the love of his death - Sarah. Given the limited evacuation process, Deacon prefers to accompany Boozer to ensure a higher chance of survival against such an unfavorable situation. While Sarah went through the process of evacuation that should be. As can be predicted, this separation will be the last. Deacon was never again able to meet Sarah whose fate was never known. He ended up being a bounty hunter with Boozer who remained loyal to accompany him. When Deacon began to move on to continue his life that seemed no longer meaningful, Sarah's name re-emerged Setidaknya dari dua jam permainan yang kami jajal, Sarah sepertinya memainkan peran penting untuk menentukan cerita utama dan motivasi terbesar apa yang dimiliki Deacon. Proses eksplorasi yang ia lakukan sepertinya mengindikasikan bahwa plot utama akan bergerak pada usaha untuk mencari informasi terkait keberadaan Sarah dan apakah belahan hatinya tersebut masih hidup atau tidak. Sejauh kami mencicipinya, tidak ada basis plot yang lebih besar di sini. Bahwa Days Gone sepertinya akan menjadi ruang bagi cerita personal Deacon alih-alih memosisikannya sebagai seorang penyelamat yang akan menemukan jawaban misteri terkait para Freakers dan menyembuhkan mereka. Kesan inilah yang kami dapatkan.
Survival Horror,Adventure Survival Horror,survival horror games,Days Gone,Days Gone Gameplay,Days Gone Gameplay Walkthrough,Sony Interactive Entertainment,days gone ps4,days gone walkthrough,days gone 2019,days gone adventure,days gone action,daysgone st.john,daysgone boozer,john and boozer,daysgone o'brian,daysgone nero,daysgone open world,days gone open world map,daysgone zombie,daysgone freaker,daysgone nest,