
Zeal | Meaning with words | My Word Book

Zeal | Meaning with words | My Word Book Meaning of zeal: a strong feel of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something

1. Jack’s zeal made him stand above all the other candidates during the interview process.
2. The military forces are looking for men with zeal who are not afraid to go the extra mile to get things done.
3. Because of Barack’s zeal for politics, he knew he would be president one day.
4. In Mark’s zeal to finish the race, he completely blocked out the pain in his leg.
5. Do not allow your zeal for purchasing a new car to let you forget to do your proper research!
6. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.
7. She had a kind of missionary zeal about bringing culture to the masses.
8. She went about the task with the zeal of an enthusiast.
9. They worked with great zeal to finish the project.
10. Many young people have an admirable messianic zeal about them.,My word book,word book,wordbook,word books,wordbooks,wordbook meaning,ielts vocab,ielts vocabs,ielts word,ielts exam,ielts most asked word,ielts words,gre vocab,gre vocabs,gre word,gre exam,fre most asked word,gre words,words with examples,English word dictionary,English most asked words,animation videos,word with examples,vocab with examples,vocabs with examples,hindi dictionary,zeal meaning,zeal vocab,zeal,

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