
10 SCARY Animals You DON'T Want to Encounter!

10 SCARY Animals You DON'T Want to Encounter! 10 SCARY Animals You DON'T Want to Encounter!

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Some animals get a bad rap. Just because they look terrifying doesn’t mean they can kill in an instant,
right? Well, let’s take a closer look at 10 terrifying animals you wouldn’t want to encounter and find out
for ourselves whether they deserve such a bad reputation. Make sure you stay tuned for number 1, we
just might be looking at the devilish offspring of a malevolent diety.

Number 10. The Venezuelan Poodle Moth
Looking equally cute and terrifying, the Venezuelan Poodle Moth was thought to be one of those
animals that were created by internet hoaxers. Honestly, I don’t blame people for thinking it doesn’t
exist. I mean, just look at it, looking all furry and alien like.
The fact is, Venezuelan Poodle Moths actually do exist, and it’s one of the most recently discovered
species of insects, only being discovered and photographed in 2009 by Dr. Arthur Anker of Krgystan. As
the name implies, it is native to Venezuelan, but it looks, for all intents and purposes, like that it will be
perfectly at home in Antarctica.
Being a new species, not much is known about this insect. Scientists don’t even know which family of
moth it belongs to. So, whether, like other moths, the poodle moth poses a danger to humans, nobody
knows yet. So as for now, you can look, but please don’t touch.

Number 9. The Goliath Tiger Fish
When your name is Goliath, you'd better be one humongous, ferocious creature, and the Goliath
tigerfish definitely lives up to its moniker. A native of the Congo River basin, the Lualaba River, Lake
Upemba and Lake Tanganyika in Africa, it's the largest member of the tigerfish clan, a genus of fierce
predators with protruding, daggerlike teeth. The biggest one on record was nearly 5 feet long and
weighed 154 pounds, the equivalent of a super-welterweight prizefighter. And it outclasses other
African game fish in speed and power.
The goliath tigerfish is a piscivore, which mean it eats mainly fish. With such great size an adult goliath
tigerfish will eat any other fish that it can overpower, such as a small Nile perch.
Locals say it's the only fish that doesn't fear the crocodile and that it actually eats smaller ones. It's also
been known to attack humans in rare instances. It's so lightning quick and forceful that not only will it
snap an angler's line, but it will sometimes make off with his or her tackle. No wonder one fishing safari
promoter requires clients read a cautionary treatise on the Goliath before agreeing to a fishing trip.

Number 8. The Marabou Stork
The Marabou Stork is often considered one of the ugliest animals on the planet. Of course, some
features such as the bald pink or reddish head with scattered shaggy feathers, the huge, massive,
tapered beak and its ungainly stature, make this bird repulsive at first sight. But actually, this gregarious

bird is an essential scavenger that cleans the nature of all its waste and carrion, often associated with
vultures. Removing carcasses and rotting material often helps avoiding the spreading of diseases.
In African folklore, this sickly looking stork was created by God out of leftover bird bits when He ran out
of animal parts, leading to its ungainly appearance. The birds are monstrously huge, standing five feet
tall, with a wingspan that, at ten feet, rivals that of the Andean Condor. Although it typically maintains a
deathly silence, the stork makes occasional grunts with its bib-like throat sac. Its head is bald, and it is a
hotbed of disease, hosting a range of worm-like parasites. In the bird world, it would win no beauty

Number 7. The Long Wattled Umbrella Bird
Looking more like a Pokemon rather than a real animal is number 7 on our list, the long wattled
umbrella bird. The name comes from the male of the species, they sport a crest of fine, hair-like feathers
that hang all the way over its bill, giving it the look of having an “umbrella.” This unusual species also has
an inflatable wattle dangling from the middle of its chest. This long wattle is covered in short, scaly
feathers, and when inflated, looks somewhat like a pine cone! During mating season, the male puts
these ornaments into action. Females and immature birds are only half the size of males, and the wattle
is much smaller or absent altogether.

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