
An advantage of occupancy modelling.

An advantage of occupancy modelling. At the 2019 World Marine Mammal Conference in Barcelona, Darryl was reminded about one advantage of occupancy models.

Proteus is a statistical consulting company that specialises in ecological and wildlife applications. We can help you design your study and analyse the data. Proteus also provides statistical training courses and workshops, both open and private courses are available on request.

#darrylmackenzie, #proteus, #ecologicalstatistician, #statisticalconsultant, #capturerecapture, #markrecapture, #occupancymodelling, #distancesampling, #wildlifestatistics, #statistics

Darryl MacKenzie,Proteus,ecological statistician,statistical consultant,capture-recapture,mark-recapture,occupancy modelling,distance sampling,wildlife statistics,statistics,

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