
Moorish American Consular Court [REDMOND WA], [LYNNWOOD WA COURT CORPORATIONS] DEC 21 2019

Moorish American Consular Court [REDMOND WA], [LYNNWOOD WA COURT CORPORATIONS] DEC 21 2019 On December 21, 2019 the people who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government, the Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish American Consular Court placed this Cause of Action on the public record. The following CORPORATIONS and CORPORATE PERSONS are hereby unlawfully occupying the sovereign original indigenous land of America which is the estate of the sovereign original indigenous ancient natural divine Moorish American Nationals: [RICH MARLOW DBA PROCESS SERVER], [PEGASUS PROCESS SERVICE LLC], [CHADD KREPPS DBA ATTORNEY], [STEPHEN MOORE DBA JUDGE, LYNNWOOD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION], KELLEY MCKENZIE DBA COURT CLERK], BRANDON FELDMAN DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [BRUCE ADSERO DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [CHRIS GRIFFEN DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [CHRISTIAN SMITH DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [DAVID LEE DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [JAMES FELDMAN DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [JOHN RONGERUDE DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [KAIA KOPITNIK DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [KATHY CHROSTOWSKA DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [MARNE WHITNEY DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [PATRICK FELDMAN DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [TALYA WEST DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [TAMARA MCELYEA DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [VANCE ODELL DBA PUBLIC DEFENDER], [ANTHONY VINCENT ALFIERI DBA UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN], [DONNA TUCKER DBA CHIEF PRESIDING JUDGE], [SUSAN MAHONEY DBA ASSISTANT PRESIDING JUDGE], [D. MARK EIDE DBA DIVISION PRESIDING JUDGE], [ALL AGENTS, PRINCIPALS, HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DERIVATIVES THEREOF]. You were commanded to appear at the Moorish American Consular Court to state your name and nationality for the people who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government. We are the sovereign jurisdiction in all matters on our land. We are the law and we are the government. The American Provost Marshal has been notified as all unlawful occupiers failed to appear as commanded. The silence of said unlawful occupiers is acquiescence, therefore by their consent, the American Provost Marshal is hereby commanded to arrest each and all of the said unlawful occupiers of our sovereign original indigenous land and detain them at Guantanamo Bay Cuba prison permanently. All of the COMMERCE of the unlawful occupiers and that of your AGENTS, PRINCIPALS, HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DERIVATIVES THEREOF has been terminated by way of sovereign Universal Commercial Code 1 Lien. Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.


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