
Rebutting 10 Common 'Christian' Political Truisms

Rebutting 10 Common 'Christian' Political Truisms As someone who has grown up most my life around conservative Christianity when it comes to politics, I have gotten used to hearing certain truisms and talking points throughout the years.

The more that I studied issue by issue and formulated my own views on issues, the more I heard a lot of these directed at me. I personally find them frustrating and inaccurate, so I figured I would go through some of them and explain why I personally do not find them convincing.

The 10 issues are:

1: Because of abortion, everything the Democrats stand for is godless!
2: Small Government is the theologically taught position of the Bible.
3: The, "Even David Wasn't Perfect" excuse.
4: Fiscally conservative is why you should vote for Republicans.
5: It's the Church's job to care for the poor not the Governments.
6: You cannot criticize Israel as they are God's chosen people.
7: The poor are poor because they are lazy.
8: Character matters in our politicians.
9: To Criticize America is to be unpatriotic.
10: Fighting more passionately against the godlessness of the world than the godlessness in the Church.

This is not an exhaustive list and is in no particular order, and you may not even agree with some of the issues, but hopefully you find some information in here helpful. What about you? What are some issues you have heard commonly brought up?


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