
S. Korea aims to nurture 10,000 AI specialists every year until 203

S. Korea aims to nurture 10,000 AI specialists every year until 203 4차산업혁명 핵심 과제...인재 양성…정부, 교수 겸직허용•대학 AI 교육 강화

South Korea announced its national strategy on Artificial Intelligence this week, and a large part of that plan is to foster specialists in the field through university programs,... and also to bolster cooperation between industry and academia.
Oh Soo-young tells us more.
This university lab in Seoul is where future smart technologies are conceived through algorithms.
Led by Professor Chang Jun-hyuck, a world-renowned researcher in signal processing,... the lab develops Artificial Intelligence solutions for voice assistants in smart speakers and automobiles, as well as wearable health devices.
It's one of the few research centers in the country that has been nurturing graduate students in AI,... providing them the chance to work with global companies like Samsung, LG and Hyundai Motor.
"I'm currently participating in a national project to improve speech recognition, which is crucial for machines to understand and respond correctly to what we're saying."
By participating in various projects ranging from sound recognition to help identify faulty car parts,... to AI speakers that can measure the quality of your sleep,... students at the lab have been able to drive their careers forward,... becoming research candidates for tech giants like Samsung and KT Corporation.
"Our lab gets to work on the professor's corporate and national projects and he helps us participate in academic conferences abroad. So we get to see the latest research and communicate with relevant specialists in the field. This really motivates me to continue pursuing my goal of researching voice technology that will benefit our everyday lives."
Given Korea's shortage of specialists in AI,... needed to drive innovation in the Fourth Industrial Era,...
the government is aiming to foster a domestic talent pool by bolstering college programs.
"Corporations seek problem solvers who have a solid understanding of AI algorithms and how to apply them. They also need to go beyond that and be able to create new programs or solutions. It is crucial for Korea to narrow down and focus on areas of AI that we can excel in. Industries with great potential include smartphones, automobiles, and shipbuilding technologies,... so we should train and nurture AI specialists in those fields."
The government says it will expand the number of specialised courses and graduate schools in AI,... aiming to produce 10-thousand AI specialists every year by 2030.
To encourage greater collaborations between industry and academia,... it will also allow professors to be hired by private companies starting next year.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.

#AI #SouthKorea #university

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