
Uttaradhyayana Sutra | Chapter Twenty Nine : Samyaktva-Parakram | Archarya Chandanashriji

Uttaradhyayana Sutra | Chapter Twenty Nine : Samyaktva-Parakram | Archarya Chandanashriji Uttaradhyayana or Uttaradhyayana Sutra
is a Śvētāmbara text said to be one of the final set lectures given by Lord Mahavira before his liberation.
The Twenty Ninth Chapter :
The Exertion In Righteousness

O long-lived (Gambusvamin)! I (Sudharman) have heard the following discourse from the venerable (Mahavira).

Here, forsooth, the Venerable Ascetic Mahavira, of the Kasyapa Gotra, has delivered this lecture called the exertion in righteousness. Many creatures, who truly believe in the subject (taught in this lecture), put their faith in it, give credence to it, accept it, practise it, comply with it, study it, understand it, learn it, and act up to it according to the precept (of the Ginas) have obtained perfection, enlightenment, deliverance, final beatitude, and have put an end to all misery.

This lecture treats of the following subjects:

1. samvega, longing for liberation;

2. nirveda, disregard of worldly objects;

3. dharmasraddha, desire of the Law;

4. gurusadharmikasusrushana, obedience to co-religionists and to the Guru.

5. alokana, confession of sins before the Guru;

6. ninda, repenting of one's sins to oneself;

7. garha, repenting of one's sins before the Guru;

8. samayika, moral and intellectual purity of the soul;

9. katurvimsatistava, adoration of the twenty-four Ginas;

10. vandana, paying reverence to the Guru;

11. pratikramana, expiation of sins;

12. kayotsarga, a particular position of the body;

13. pratyakhyana, self-denial;

14. stavastutimangala, praises and hymns;

15. kalasya pratyupekshana, keeping the right time;

16. prayaskittakarana, practising penance;

17. kshamapana, begging forgiveness;

18. svadhyaya, study;

19. vakana, recital of the sacred texts;

20. pariprikkhana, questioning (the teacher);

21. paravartana, repetition;

22. anupreksha, pondering;

23. dharmakatha, religious discourse;

24. srutasyaradhana, acquisition of sacred knowledge;

25. ekagramanahsannivesana, concentration of thoughts;

26. samyama, control;

27. tapas, austerities;

28. vyavadana, cutting off the Karman;

29. sukhasata, renouncing pleasure;

30. apratibaddhata, mental independence;

31. vikitrasayanasanasevana, using unfrequented lodgings and beds;

32. vinivartana, turning from the world;

33. sambhogapratyakhyana, renouncing collection of alms in one district only;

34. upadhipratyakhyana, renouncing articles of use;

35. aharapratyakhyana, renouncing food;

36. kashayapratyakhyana, conquering the passions;

37. yogapratyakhyana, renouncing activity;

38. sarirapratyakhyana, renouncing the body;

39. sahayapratyakhyana, renouncing company;

40. bhaktapratyakhyana, renouncing all food;

41. sadbhavapratyakhyana, perfect renunciation;

42. pratirupata, conforming to the standard;

43. vaiyavritya, doing service;

44. sarvagunasampurnata, fulfilling all virtues;

45. vitaragata, freedom from passion;

46. kshanti, patience;

47. mukti, freedom from greed;

48, argava, simplicity;

49. mardava, humility;

50. bhavasatya, sincerity of mind;

51. karanasatya, sincerity of religious practice;

52. yogasatya, sincerity of acting;

53. manoguptata, watchfulness of the mind;

54. vag-guptata, watchfulness of the speech;

55. kayaguptata, watchfulness of the body;

56. manahsamadharana, discipline of the mind;

57. vaksamadharana, discipline of the speech;

58. kayasamadharana, discipline of the body;

59. gnanasampannata, possession of knowledge;

60. darsanasampannata, possession of faith;

61. karitrasampannata, possession of conduct;

62. srotrendriyanigraha, subduing the ear;

63. kakshurindriyanigraha, subduing the eye;

64. ghranendriyanigraha, subduing the organ of smell;

65. gihvendriyanigraha, subduing the tongue;

66. sparsanendriyanigraha, subduing the organ of touch;

67. krodhavigaya, conquering anger;

68. manavigaya, conquering pride;

69. mayavigaya, conquering deceit;

70. lobhavigaya, conquering greed;

71. premadveshamithyadarsanavigaya, conquering love, hate, and wrong belief;

72. sailesi, stability;

73. akarmata, freedom from Karman.

Let's listen Archarya Chandanashriji to understand the real meaning of Uttaradhyayana and it's Twenty Ninth Chapter


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