
#찬성하다 뉘앙스 차이-Agree, Share Sb's view, Be of the same opinion, Agree up to a point, Be in agreement

#찬성하다 뉘앙스 차이-Agree,  Share Sb's view,  Be of the same opinion, Agree up to a point,  Be in agreement 오늘의 단어

Share Sb's view,
Be of the same opinion,
See eye to eye,
Agree up to a point,
Be in agreement,

#영어유의어 #영어동의어 #영어단어

Agree,Share Sb's view,Be of the same opinion,See eye to eye,Agree up to a point,Be in agreement,Concur,찬성하다,동의하다,영어뉘앙스,영어늬앙스,

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