
Ch 12 P4 Desire for a story

Ch 12 P4 Desire for a story In the Light Circle Jesus invites us to look with him at how the play in consciousness is an addiction to stories—the desire for sensory experience—to deny Divine Light.

Light Circles are a deep contemplation on the nature of Divine Being, an opportunity to hear Jesus so we can ask him to guide us specifically which miracles to perform. We ask him to reveal desires below the level of awareness that deny Divine Light—and thus Love—is here and so we can ask for miracles—a change in perception—under his direction. If Jesus reveals that we do have a desire to deny the Light below our awareness, we admit the desire and ask for a miracle, a change in perception.
In this Light Circle session we ask Jesus to reveal desires below our level of awareness for an experience
- of wanting a story (on a timeline) more than wanting to see we are the Timeless One.
- of feeling that Jesus/the Holy Spirit will “make us do something that we do not want to do” to play small and not follow prompts from Spirit.
- of a story of why we cannot fully express as Divine Being now.
- of a meaningless world that engenders fear more than to know ourselves as Infinite Being.

If additional help is needed to clear desires to deny Divinity identified in this session, join quickly in Light (Jesus) or a brother as the Light’s representative, to see what is true using the Joining in Light Miracle worksheet. 💜🕊

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💫🕊You can find brothers willing to join in the Joining in Light Brigade Group in Facebook Brigade:

In Jesus: A New Covenant ACIM, Jesus points to the power of direct experience of the Light within to clear denials of Divinity. He shares that all the beliefs that are denials of Divinity are given in A Course in Miracles, and translates these beliefs in ANC to denials so that we can look directly with him. In Light Circles we focus on the Light first, and in this Light beliefs and desires that seem to deny awareness of unconditional Love, our true nature, are quickly cleared.  And if asked, Jesus will reveal the subconscious denials. 

💜🕊 Jesus: A New Covenant: Download Chapters

💫🕊To find a partner to go through Chapter 20 with Jesus, text us at the Joining in Light Facebook Page:

Drop all metaphysical discussions and explanations. You are Light and as Light you can see the truth of who you are now, and through the power of who you are desires can be dropped immediately. 

Can beliefs be cleared quickly? 

To learn more about Joining in Light, start a Light Circle or to join a Joining in Light session via video conference, contact us at

#joininginlightcircles #anewcovenantACIM

ACIM,A Course in Miracles,Jesus A New Covenant,Healing,Spiritual Awakening,Enlightenment,Oneness,Freedom,Inner Peace,Divinity,Christ Mind,Love,Namaste,OM,Light Circles,Joining in Light,spiritual movie review,

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