
CoronaVirus, Everything you need to know. How to Prevent CoronaVirus? How it started? Know Symptoms

CoronaVirus, Everything you need to know. How to Prevent CoronaVirus? How it started? Know Symptoms #CoronaVirus #PreventCoronaVirus
Know more about CoronaVirus and understand symptoms and be safe and secure.

What is this CoronaVirus?
CoronaVirus is common virus like flu or cold, but there are different mutations or variants of this virus, which can be seriously dangerous and deadly.
CoronaVirus is nothing new, it is there from long time and first identified in 1960. In the past you might have heard about MERS virus and SARS virus. All these are types of CoronaVirus. The latest outbreak in china is a CoronaVirus of type nCoV.

What are the symptoms?
Cough, Running nose, headache, sorethroat, fever and chills, these are some common symptoms. The symptoms are quite similar to common cold and flu, that’s why it is difficult to find out. Only a blood test can help detect this.

Where is this Virus coming from?
As most viruses commonly come from animals, the Coronavirus also comes from animals.
Research suggests that corona virus was originally found in bats, hedgehogs and some birds, which were hunted by snakes and thus snakes go that virus. Snakes themselves are not infected by this virus, but they serve as a host to this.
The snakes were sold, processed and consumed in some places in china thus transmitting to humans.
The latest CoronaVirus seem to have come from Snake, mainly from two types of Snakes in South China, One is Krait Snake and other is Chinse Cobra.

Let’s see how to protect ourselves and prevent it from Spreading
The Virus can easily spread from person to person from Cough, Sneeze, handshakes,
1. As this virus is severe in China and parts of Asia, avoid international travels as much as possible. But if you cannot avoid it, wear a facemask to cover mouth and nose while on airport or mixing with people or going in crowds.
2. If possible, avoid live or processed poultry, meat and sea food imported from China. If you have to eat, cook them thoroughly.
3. When you visiting hospitals or clinics, always use face masks, and avoid touching anything in hospital. Keep a sanitizer in hands and rub your hands with sanitizer every 30 minutes while you are in hospital. Also, avoid toughing nose, mouth and eyes with unwashed hands.
4. When you are using public transportation or walking in public places, try to cover your face with a hand kerchief, and wash your hands when you reach home with antibacterial hand wash.
5. Wash you hands often with soap at least for 20 seconds.
6. Drink plenty of fluids, take Vitamin C pills and B complex to increase general immunity.

And if you ever get cold or flu, check with doctors immediately and get plenty of rest. When you taking rest, your body defense system automatically works to fight infections. Wear facemask, drink lot of fluids and stay warm.

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