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This video was meant for my Expressing with gaming video on Theweirdomaxim channel, check it out:
As promised, I finally sang this song when I am not sick anymore! This song was inspired not only by the game in mind, Celeste, but also by "Wanderer's Lullaby" by
adrisaurus (Go check it out:
I wanted people to know to talk about their problems, not only because it makes them feel better, but it also makes us feel better to know that they feel better... does that make sense? Hopefully it does!
I am planning to upload more music this year (if you read this far, here's a secret, I am working on an album. ;P ), so do stick around if you wanna hear my voice/music! For now, enjoy! :)
#ExpressingWithGaming #DoBearInMind #OriginalSong