
GMAT 580 to 720 - Result oriented approach led to a 140-point improvement

GMAT 580 to 720 - Result oriented approach led to a 140-point improvement Even after having a clear vision about his target GMAT score, it took Paras three attempts to achieve it. Paras attributes his struggle in the first two attempts to lack of clarity of the fundamental concepts and not following a structured approach. Also, like most non-native students, paras struggled a lot in the GMAT Verbal section, especially with SC and RC.

However, for this third attempt, Paras made the following changes in his preparation strategies that led him to GMAT 720:
• Unlike his first two attempts, Paras avoided following shortcuts to get the answers
• Built his stamina through mock tests
• Used the meaning-based approach to improve his Sentence Correction
• Used the pre-thinking approach to improve his Critical Reasoning

To know more about how Paras managed to achieve GMAT 740 and overcome his struggles in GMAT verbal,
Watch his full interview:

GMAT,GMAT 720,GMAT Verbal,GMAT RC,GMAT SC,Sentence Correction,Reading Comprehension,

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