Avallach fills a bunch of roles for this deck. For most of these lists, if your Yghern gets Invocationed, it's a bit of a nightmare since you have no way of ripping the armor off. So not only does Invo play for 13 removal, but it gives them an easy 13 point tempo play, and denies your Ozzrel value. With Avallach though, you have an easy way to trade up to the replaced Yghern and get it back in the grave. Additionally, this deck can occasionally struggle with Scarab tokens, or Dire Mutated Hound, and Avallach is a pretty clean answer to both of those as well.
Glustyworp over Protofleder was something I was trying for the last few games of the night, but I never drew the Glusty, so the list below is the Protofleder version. Glusty is one of the best cards to have in the MO matchups, being the best answer in the game to an opposing Larva, and using bleeds you can line up 1s pretty easily.
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