
One of the many punishments in Hell is shown here based on my dream! Just Mind Blowing!

One of the many punishments in Hell is shown here based on my dream! Just Mind Blowing! Please watch to find out what is going on in the abode of the damned even now. Another year has passed, but have we grown wiser in Christ? Remember, without Christ, we can do nothing. Without Christ, I cannot even write to you now. Ask, what is your resolution for this New Year- 2020? Is Christ going to be Center of your lives or something else? Are you going to be ashamed of Christ by just regarding Him as a mere holy man, i.e, following the footsteps of the modern day's wolves? If you are ashamed of Lord Jesus Christ now, you will certainly be extremely shameful before His Judgment Throne. It will be extremely shameful because the sins will be exposed in entirety witnessed by billions and billions of angels and saints. The adversary will also be there to affirm all the evil and perverse secret deeds as rendered. By then, it will be all too late as our Lord neither need bribes nor respect from mankind since His Judgment is PERFECT and DREADFUL. Remember, only the Devil desires his face or countenance to be honored using lies, deceptions and tyranny. That is one of the many major differences between the corrupted worldly judiciary systems and the Judgment Throne of Jesus Christ.

This video is about the worms that die not as explained by Lord God Jesus Christ. The wordings as presented are from the Holy Bible. In my dream, the torturers were the demons, however, the methods or tactics of torturing are the same. The demons flew and pierced my body, then destroyed my body from inside out similar to the worms in this movie clip. The demons then attacked me from outside also by decapitating and tearing my body to shreds. It was likened to the dogs tearing Jezebel's body to shreds. Remember, that dream came when I challenged the doctrine of Remarriage in my pastoral class. Ask, is this how a defiled body is to be punished? Remember, our bodies are not ours as they really belong to Christ, so, can we defile them? The Scripture asks, "Can you bring your body to a harlot" knowing that it is not even yours but God's?" Imagine a friend invites you to his house (which is not yours), and upon arrival at his house, you demand that you want to sleep with his pretty wife (which is not yours), is that not insanity? This is the world today, Oh! so polluted, adulterated and devilish! The law is "Do whatever you want" as Satan is the Author of uncleanness, confusions and death. Apostle James calls the lost ones, "adulterers and adulteresses" since they defile their bodies by lying, deceiving, manipulating, killing, stealing, robbing, indulging in unnatural lifestyles (LGBTQ, pedophilia/pract. child brides, adultery, polygamy etc), propagating heresies, tyrannizing etc. Our Lord explains that when the evil world hates the true believers, it has to hate Him first.

Please think critically, is this how Lord Jesus Christ will deal with the cruel, perverse and evil tyrants (men of power) of this world who love their countenances to be praised also? Is this type of punishment to do with evil masters and their slaves who oppress and shed innocent human blood in the name of power and total control? Shedding innocent blood is cowardice, but God will act in His time.

What about our earthly life span? Is long life in this perverse and corrupt world really a blessing? It depends. Understand this deeply, holy men/women who showed absolute fidelity to Christ had long lives though many died young because of martyrdom as seen in historical records. For example, St Anthony the Great's life span was more than 100 years old, Apostle John, more than 90 years old, St Theophan the Recluse, 79 years old, my dad, 84 years old etc though many Christians died young under Nero and Diocletian as martyrs. Remember, our Lord asserts that whosoever saves his life will lose it and whosoever loses his life (through martyrdom etc) in His name will attain life eternal. Some question why God allow (not bless) so many wicked men/women to be very healthy, wealthy, powerful and can even live long to a very old age, but the Eternal Word has the answer. .

Job 21:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
“Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, are mighty in power?”

James 5:5 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished [fattened] your [evil] hearts, as in a day of slaughter.

Anyway, my advance best wishes to you and your families, "Happy New Year 2020 in Christ!" Please remember to judge and do all things wisely using the Mind of Christ since He has already overcome the world. My profound gratitude for all the support you have given all these years, but most important of all, to Lord God Jesus Christ, Who resurrected me from my NDE four years ago. Without Christ, there is nothing since He was the Creator of Heaven and earth as the Eternal Word from everlasting!

In Christ, Amen.

Note: Credits go to the originators of the video clip, music and picture. Thanks a lot.

hell,pope fancis,satanic vatican,

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