
Psychological Differences between Men and Women | Ali Reza Panahian

Psychological Differences between Men and Women | Ali Reza Panahian Psychological Differences between Men and Women

The psychological differences between men and women have become very clear now! Men look at the whole more. Women look at details more. What is he better for? What is she better for? The psychological differences between men and women have become very clear now! What is he better for? What is she better for?
“The Psychological Differences between Men and Women, Differences in Roles”
Talcott Parsons was a prominent figure in Functionalism. In his analysis, which was about the gender division of labour, he said, “A man being the breadwinner and the leader of the family and the woman being the homemaker is the best model.” I’m not relating this from Islam. Ask him himself why he said this? He continued, “If a woman takes on the role of being the breadwinner, there is the fear that competition with the husband will arise. This situation is very harmful to the unity and balance of the family. In each human system and organization there must be a hierarchy. Having a hierarchy in the family is necessary. One of the members of the family must play an instrumental and commanding role, and manage the family.” He explained that otherwise the family is spiritually thrown out of balance.
Some research has been done on children under the age of five. “The results show that boys have a significantly higher tendency towards social domination than girls do. And, girls have gotten higher scores in social and emotional skills, and in self-regulation. Girls prefer to play in smaller groups. They usually have one very close friend. Boys prefer to play in larger groups. They look at the members of the group equally. In playing, boys prefer to have one role in the group, in which they may end up in conflict with others. However, girls prefer to play together so there won’t be any conflict. Boys prefer to play outside the house. Girls prefer to play and do things in the presence of an adult.” The psychological differences between men and women have become very clear now! A woman’s personality is such that she likes to have a man who is powerful and supportive. These topics are not things, which we need to talk about in the religious meetings and our lectures!
Once, we went on a fieldtrip with Tehran University. All kinds of men and women participated. It wasn’t a religious camp at all. They asked about the differences between men and women in Islam. I said, “You don’t need to talk about the differences between men and women in Islam. Put this aside. Do you yourself understand your differences?” Some said yes and some said no. I said, “Let’s start and practice here.”
One of the questions that I asked was, “Women! Do you like your husbands to listen to you even if they don’t love you?” They said, “No, love is important for us.” I said, “Those who agree raise their hands.” Everyone was looking. All of them rose their hands. Then, I asked the same question from the men. I asked, “Men! Do you like your wives to listen to you even if they don’t love you?” They all said “yes” very bravely! I said, “Those who agree raise their hands.” They did so. All of them started laughing for a few minutes.
What is important for a man is that she obeys him. What is important for a woman is that he likes her! Her heart will break if he doesn’t love her! It is possible that sometimes there is a woman who is…! What should I say?! And sometimes there may be a man who is like a flower! What should I say?!
Sometimes we raise boys like girls, and sometimes we raise girls like boys. The psychological differences between men and women have become very clear now! What is he better for? What is she better for?
[From the series of speeches under the topic of “The Last Preparation before the Reappearance of the Saviour, Correcting Management in Family and Society.”]

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AliReza Panahian,man,woman,husband,wife,Talcott Parsons,psychology,differences,roles,

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