
Teaching Public School is More Welfare to Women (Virtue Signaling 101)

Teaching Public School is More Welfare to Women (Virtue Signaling 101) This video is about the value public school teachers provide and how to go without them.

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A Joshua Fluke Video (One of Many on This Subject):

The Fist Video I Did On Education:

 Video Links
Fareed Zakaria: Teachers Make Other Professions Possible:

Tedx: The Trouble With Thankless Jobs:
NBC: Teachers Feel Appreciation Despite Thankless Job:

Schools Closed in Oklahoma, Kentucky Amid Teachers Strike:
USA Today: Here's Why Teacher Pay is Disrupting Class

Vice: This is How Horribly U.S. Teachers Are Actually Paid:
CNN: Teacher - I make more money mowing lawns:
Vice: We Talked To 18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling it Quits:
CBS: Thousands of Los Angeles Teachers Strike to Protest Budget Cuts:

Article Links
HuffPo: Is Teaching A Thankless Job?
Helen Todd: Why Children Work:
Teachers Aren't in it For the Money:
Washinton Post - Only 27% of College Grads Have a Job Related...
Reddit - First Year Teaching and I Hate It:

MGTOW,Men Going Their Own Way,Public School,Teachers,Thankless Job,Joshua Fluke,Public School Teacher,oklahoma,colorado,california,CNN,CBS,Mainstram Media,Vox,Teacher Salary,

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