
The Satisfaction in Using Food Storage.

The Satisfaction in Using Food Storage. To smell the bread baking, bite into the first warm slice, to drool over a desert you made and know what's in it...To feel good about not spending money yu don't have or are trying to save for that something special. To feel stisfied that you can weather any storm with a full belly. That's the satisfaction of growing and using a food storage. And we can do that in a way that will not only benefit us but not do any harm to our pockets nor the environment. Along with other permaculture homesteading joys, we really CAN live 'the good life' by changing the way we see things.

So when I use the term 'The Good Life' in inverted commas, I am refering to this....the funny side of suburban homesteading from the 70's still funny today...

#EmergencyFoodStorage-LivingWell,#CookingToSavePennies,#ShoestringHome,#EatWellSpendLess,#The Good Life,

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