

EVADED | BFI FILM ACADEMY AT BROADWAY Broadway was selected as a Regional Delivery Partner for the British Film Institute’s Film Academy Network for the seventh time in 2018 to give twenty talented 16-19 year olds with a passion for film, from all backgrounds across England, the opportunity to be part of our future film industry'.

We offered the opportunity for a group of 20 young people aged 16 -19 to take part in an intensive five month “Film Experience” programme taking place at Broadway in evenings and weekends between 1st November 2018 and 29th January 2019 with extra circular activity.

All participants were provided with 110 hours of taught activity through the main course programme.
The writers had 4 additional hours with scriptwriter and director, Steven Sheil to complete the scripts for the final three short films, which were selected at the pitching session.

The production weekend hours were as follows: Evaded at 15 hours, Flash at 20 hours and Untitled at 18 hours. In addition, the editors of the three short films self-directed over 70 hours of post-production activity.

The public screening took place at Broadway on Thursday 7th March 2019 in Screen 1 with a sold-out screening.

The three short films made were Evaded, Flash and Untitled.

bfi,film academy,young filmmakers,student film,bfifilmacademy,

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