
How to properly identify the sex of your ball python

How to properly identify the sex of your ball python This video focuses on two methods used to properly determine the sex of your ball python.

"Popping" is a simple method used to evert the hemipenes that are held inverted within. This method is done by hand with minimal pressure.

Probing is used to determine a snake’s sex based on the placement and size of its reproductive organs. If the ball tipped probe inserts only a short distance into the vent (toward the tail), the snake is female. If the ball tipped probe goes further, it’s male (the extra distance suggests the presence of hemipenes)

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Snake,Snakes,Sex,Male,Female,Morph,Black,Gender,Herp,Reptile,Education,Pet,Biology,Reptiles,Helpful,Ball python,Pythons,Learning,Royal python,Girl,Boy,46and2,Diy,Dark,Genetics,Baby,Babies,Hatchlings,

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