Policemen in plain clothes visited Shaheen School in Karnataka's Bidar again and interrogated the students, for the fifth time, as part of the investigation into the sedition case against the school authorities for staging a play in which some characters allegedly "insulted" Prime Minister Narendra Modi. As young as nine year olds have been questioned for taking part in a play that was critical of the CAA and NRC. Their school has been charged with sedition and one mother has also been arrested. Tonight on LRC, we ask was this a misuse of sedition law? Can the interrogation of nine year olds be justified? And is the Karnataka sedition case absurd?
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Citizenship Law,Protest against Citizenship Act,Karnataka School,School play sedition,Left Right And Centre,ndtv 24x7,nidhi razdan,play on citizenship act,citizenship act play,children questioned,Delhi protest,CAB protest,CAA protest,Protests against CAA,Citizenship Act Protest,CAA,CAB,Citizenship Bill,NRC,NRC protests,Citizenship Act,Protests in Delhi,NPR,national census,census act,