
Prohibit of assembly or procession, The Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance,1976.

Prohibit of assembly or procession, The Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance,1976. Commissioner to prohibit assembly or procession Power of Police

Section 29. The Police Commissioner may, by order in writing, prohibit any assembly or procession whenever and for so long as he considers such prohibition to be necessary for the preservation of the public peace or safety:

Provided that no such prohibition shall remain in force for more than thirty days without the sanction of the Government.
30. The Police Commissioner may, by public notice, temporarily reserve for any public purpose any street or public place and prohibit persons from entering the area so reserved except under such conditions as may be specified by him.

31. If, in the opinion of the Police Commissioner, it is necessary so to do for the purpose of preventing annoyance, disturbance, discomfort or injury or risk of annoyance, disturbance, discomfort or injury to the public or to any persons who dwell or occupy property in the vicinity, he may, by order in writing, prohibit, restrict, regulate or impose conditions on-

(a) the use or continuance in any area, premises or vehicles of-

(i) any vocal or instrumental music;

(ii) microphone, loudspeaker or other instruments for amplifying music or other sound;

(iii) sounds caused by the playing, beating, clashing, blowing or use in any manner whatsoever of any instrument, appliance or apparatus on contrivance which is capable of producing or reproducing sound; or

(b) the carrying on in any premises of any trade, avocation or operation resulting in or attended with noise.

32. (1) In order to prevent or suppress any riot or grave disturbance of peace, the Police Commissioner may, by order in writing, temporarily close or take possession of any building or place and exclude all or any persons therefrom, or allow access thereto to such persons only and on such terms as he may deem expedient.

(2) If the lawful occupier of such building or place suffers substantial loss or injury by reason of the action taken under sub-section (1), he shall be entitled, on application made to the Police Commissioner within one month from the date of such action, to receive reasonable compensation for such loss or injury, unless such action was, in the opinion of the Police Commissioner, rendered necessary either by the use to which such building or place was put or intended to be put or by the misconduct of persons having access thereto.

(3) In the event of any dispute in any case under sub-section (2), the decision of the Government shall be final as to the amount, if any, to be paid, and as to the person to whom it is to be paid.

33. (1) For the purpose of preventing serious disorder or breach of the law or manifest an imminent danger to the persons assembled at any place of public amusement or at any assembly or meeting to which the public are invited or which is open to the public, the police-officer of the highest rank present at such place, assembly or meeting may give such directions as to the mode of admission of the public to, and for securing the peaceful and orderly conduct of the proceedings and the maintenance of the public safety at such place, assembly or meeting as he thinks necessary.

34. The Police Commissioner may, from time to time, by public notice, proclaim that any dog found, during such period as may be specified in the said notice, straying in the streets or in any public place may be destroyed, and any dog so found within such period may be destroyed accordingly.

(2) The police shall have free access to every such place, assembly or meeting for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of sub-section (1) and to any direction given thereunder.

Propitiation of Procession and assembly,Destroying of Stray Dogs,the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance,

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