
S. Korea reports 20 more COVID-19 cases; total now at 51

S. Korea reports 20 more COVID-19 cases; total now at 51 신종코로나 신규환자 20명 추가…국내 확진자 총 51명

20 new COVID-19 cases are reported in the nation.
Most of them are linked to a single patient with no recent record of overseas travel.
As this prompts the possibility of a community-based transmission and the emergence of a super spreader.
It will changed the way the outbreak is contained here.
Kim Jae-hee has our top story.
South Korea on Wednesday saw the biggest increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in a single 24-hour period.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed 20 new cases throughout Wednesday, bringing the total to 51.
The KCDC says,... 18 out of the 20 new cases were reported in Daegu and the surrounding Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, with 15 linked to Korea's 31st patient.
14 patients went to the same church as the 31st patient --the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Daegu.
It is possible that even more confirmed patients may be reported from this church, as around one thousand people attended the same service as the 31st patient did.
The church is now temporarily closed.
The remaining person worked at the hospital where the 31st patient was recently treated after being in a car accident.
However, health authorities are trying to figure out how the other three patients could have been infected.
Many hospitals in Daegu --such as the Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daegu Catholic University Medical Center, and Yeungnam University Medical Center-- have all temporarily closed their emergency rooms.
The Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital had also closed its emergency room on Wednesday afternoon, after a Chinese patient was transported into the hospital after suffering a heart attack.
Meanwhile, 2 of the 20 newly-confirmed cases were in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do Province.
A 77-year-old South Korean man tested positive at Hanyang University Hospital in Seoul's Seongdong-gu District.
He's quarantined and is receiving treatment at the National Medical Center, but had no recent record of travelling overseas and no contact with any of the other confirmed patients.
The other case is a 11-year-old girl from the city of Seongnam in Gyeonggi-do Province, just south of Seoul.
She's the youngest patient to be infected in Korea so far, and is the daughter of the country's 20th confirmed case.
She's now in isolation and receiving treatment at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
On a brighter note,... four more patients have made full recoveries and have been released from quarantine on Wednesday.
This brings the total number of recovered patients in the country to 16.
Also, South Korea's presidential jet was sent to Japan on Wednesday morning and brought back six South Koreans and a Japanese national who is married to one of the Koreans,... from the virus-hit Diamond Princess cruise ship.
The ship has been docked at Japan's Yokohama port since February 3rd.
The evacuees will be under quarantine for 14 days at a government facility at Incheon International Airport.
Luckily, none are showing any COVID-19 symptoms.
Meanwhile, the South Korean government on Wednesday has also decided to put an entry ban on foreigners from the Diamond Princess,... to minimize the possibility of the virus entering the country.
Kim Jae-hee, Arirang News.

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