
The Back stabbing, Paranoia, and Acting Brand Spanking New Dec.13th, 2019 -Jan.26th, 2020

The Back stabbing, Paranoia, and Acting Brand Spanking New Dec.13th, 2019 -Jan.26th, 2020 That’s the day ride y’alls bandwagon the next and throw me under the bus too. So, be lucky I had y’alls usernames scratched off for real. Cause blocked the both of y’all for good. Shoot, y’all probably batteries in people’s backs for show nor do you have any room to talk about anyone wanting the attention. By the way, there only two Munches which was the Blue Tooth and y’all accusing me of trolling, right? As if. I mean like, my username being popped up by you two individuals, because like plot ish or when I am not online or lurking in the bushes. I have learned that these types of of people do not have my best interest at heart at all anyways. I am done, like neutral my butt. Two birds of a feather flock together. I am not here for a click nor a few on here. At the end of day I was very secretly supportive and respective to mostly to Ms.Pieces for a year, than the vans. I never call her those certain names that baby born nation have call them. Some people told not support any of y’all at all to be quite honest and I didn’t listen to them, but realized I should have listened to them from the start. I will never meet some of people in real life anyways. In my opinion... Y’all played the role as the mean girls or something. I have no hate for anyone. #twofacedit #fakeonlinebeef #backstabbers #byefelicia #fakestoryline #putmeparttheblacklist #ishlist #fakenews #pretend #pressed #regrets #fakeonlinefriends #realiness #fakeness #hypocrisy #Trust #Issues #DW #Mr.knowitall #meangirls #thrownunderthebus


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