
'The Punishing Signal' Introduced by Mumbai Police to combat the honking Problem.

'The Punishing Signal' Introduced by Mumbai Police to combat the honking Problem. In India, people have an unusual behavior of honking when the signal about to go green or when there’s traffic jam.

The honkers agitate people and create a lot of noise pollution.

And we can witness this in many cities including Mumbai.

Anyone who travels Mumbai can vouch for the city’s terrible traffic conditions and the severe sound pollution by honking horns.

But Mumbai Police have got a unique idea to combat this problem.

Mumbai Police introduced the ‘Punishing Signal’ to stop commuters from honking unnecessarily on signals.

Mumbai Police installed a decibel metre at a signal – The Punishing Signal – to keep a check on noise pollution. If the decibel levels went beyond 85db, the signal would reset and stay red for longer.

When the decibel levels went beyond 85db, a message displayed on the post - "Honk more, Wait More."

In a tweet, the police urged not to honk so often or you will become deaf one day.

The police carried out this experiment for a day but drew a lot of praise from Twitterati.

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