
What's For Dinner?? || Easy Cheap Meals || Meatball Sub || Tomato Basil Chicken || And More!!

What's For Dinner?? || Easy Cheap Meals || Meatball Sub || Tomato Basil Chicken || And More!! Hey everyone! Long time, no cook! No, just kidding. Been cooking but we've been busy, just like you!
First up was Beef Stroganoff. I don't have a specific recipe but here is the gist or is it jist? (It takes me back to 6th grade spelling bee when I messed up that /j/ sound) This recipe is a guideline, a mere suggestion.
I# thinly sliced red meat (sirloin, round)
canola oil
salt and pepper or a blend (I used montreal steak seasoning)
Cook these on a fairly high heat. Don't overcook. Just want a nice color. Remove from pan.
1 onion, chopped
Handful of mushrooms, sliced
More canola oil if you need it.
Saute onion and mushroom in same pan.
1 tsp thyme
S&P to taste.
1 Tbsp beef bouillon and 1 Tbsp cornstarch
(I only did the half/half because I wanted a beef flavor but did not have beef broth but
Stir and cook that down.
Chicken or Beef broth. Say about 2-3 cups (I only had chicken)
Slowly whisk in broth and cook to slightly thickened. Add in meat. Simmer a bit.
1 cup sour cream
1/2 tsp paprika and parsley.
Stir in sour cream (heat is on low). Sprinkle with parsley and paprika. Serve over noodles, mashed pots or cauliflower puree.

Once Upon a Chef Cauliflower Puree' (not followed exactly but mostly) I love her recipes. I talk about her all the time if anyone is listening.


Guy Fieri Meatballs. Oddly enough, I had to find this recipe at epicurious

Again, merely a suggestion. I don't follow it exactly. I don't have fresh herbs at my fingertips and I only use beef. You get the idea. Improv!

Hot German Potato Salad (I totally forgot to mention it's a hot salad. Oops. I sure hope someone is reading this.

8 potatoes peeled
5 slices bacon diced
2-3 T onion finely diced (don't have time for that, just diced)
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup vinegar


Tomato Basil Chicken
Urgh. I don't have this recipe. I saw it SOMEWHERE in August and made a freezer batch. We have loved it. I can probably re-create it but it drives me mad when I lose the origin of recipes.

Zucchini Planks. Again, not really a recipe.
Thinly sliced zucchini planks from 1 zuke.
S&P, hot pepper flakes, garlic powder. Fried in olive oil. Topped with ricotta cheese. Simple. So delicious. Did your Mom ever fry breaded zucchini? It reminded me of that. These weren't breaded but had a yummy char to them. Making my stomach growl.


Patties with that you know....sauce.

ground beef, seasoned with montreal steak seasoning. I like to have my meat cold. Very cold.
I rip parchment paper into small squares. Plop a ball of meat onto the square. Pat it way down to a thin layer. Put the other parchment square on top. Repeat. I freeze the stack for maybe 10 minutes.
Heat a griddle and fry. Since these are thin, they cook fast.

Sauce is just mayo, ketchup, mustard, pickle relish. Sometimes I add in other seasonings but 12 year old son made and it tasted great.

And finally, the mushrooms.

I hope you heard me mention that I have substituted sweet red pepper for the spinach.

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What's For Dinner?,

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