
When Is It Time To Replace My Bathtub?

When Is It Time To Replace My Bathtub? Check out the full article here:

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When you go and view a house with the intention to buy it, what are the two rooms that you want to look at first? For most people, it’s the kitchen and the bathroom. The kitchen, being the space for entertaining and cooking, is an essential room in the house. But the bathroom? It’s the one room that is underappreciated and yet always used. People want a bathroom that will have the functions they want, and a bathroom with a bathtub that looks clean and new.

Even “shower people” thoroughly enjoy the luxury of a good bath, whether piled with bubbles or full of salts that are designed to relax the muscles. There’s nothing that beats the feeling of sinking into the warm water and unwinding at the end of a long day. The thing is, some people miss out on this luxury because their bathtub is in less than ideal condition and may need to be replaced. Let’s check out the top 4 ways you can tell it’s time for a bathtub replacement.

The Bathtub Is Stained
It’s not always obvious to know when to replace the bathtub but if your tub is stained, it’s going to look awful and no one will want to use it. It’s a huge place that can breed germs if stains are present on an ongoing basis. You cannot enjoy a relaxing bath when the bath is dirty – even after you scrub it! To fix the problem, you can choose to continue with the elbow grease, but if those stubborn stains won’t come out, you may need a new bathtub!

It’s Leaking
It’s one of the worst issues that you can face for your tub because you can end up with a moldy bathroom, filling the room with odor and potentially causing water damage to the structure. An easy way to tell if your tub is leaking is to fill your bath up with water and plug the drain. Make a mark with a washable pen where the water line comes to and then, in an hour or so, check the water level. If it has changed, you could have a leak. If you find a leak and you can’t fix it, you may need a new bathtub!

The Bathtub Is Moldy
Stains are bad but mold and mildew are worse. It can lead to allergies, illness or even depression, and there is just no point in trying to salvage it if it’s full of mold. If you can’t remove the mold or it keeps coming back, you may need a new bathtub!

It’s Not Comfortable
There is nothing worse than a tub that doesn’t deliver a calming, relaxing experience. The concept of a bathtub seems simple enough but the real proof of a good tub is in the quality of bathing that it provides. Sometimes the fit just doesn’t work for your frame, or it’s not comfortable to sit in. Maybe it’s difficult to get in and out of. There are plenty of upgrade options, like stability bars and whirlpool jets, or you could even just get a deeper tub that fits the room and your needs. But if any of these discomforts describe your situation, you may need a new bathtub!

bay area bath,bathroom remodeling,replace bathtub,old bathtub,

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