
Youths on forefront of change in Malawi

Youths on forefront of change in Malawi Reach Out for Life (ROFL) is a development and relief organization that operates in Malawi, especially in the southern and eastern parts of the country. ROFL was formed with the aim of giving hope to those in need, provide better health and creating a better environment which is conducive for youths to rise and shine. The organization is composed of youthful leaders who volunteered to do the great work. The organization mainly does exist to introduce Early Childhood Development Centres that will prepare children for life and Introduce 10 community libraries by 2030 across the country of Malawi so that learners should have a better place to study and have unrestricted access to new information and ideas. Equally, the organization places a premium on introducing talent award platform for youths to rise and shine by 2025 while improving girls’ health, education and empowering them with financial skills by 2025. The organization also strives to facilitate health growth by delivering health prevention and self-health awareness and train the community with techniques that maintain positive health. ROFL also accomplished this by partnering with the government of Malawi as well as national and international organizations in areas of mutual interest. Other partners include societies or join societies or participate in activities of already established societies are also two key points that justifies the reason behind the formation of ROFL.


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