Shop Name : Kundu Textile
Proprietor : Partha Kundu
Address : 369,K.C.Das Road , Shantipur
Landmark-Daakghar,Netaji More
near Prajapati Office
Dist.-Nadia, W.B
Mob/Whatsapp : 9932803586 / 8918395391
Part-1 video =
Music : ► Jarico - Landscape :
► Jarico - Landscape [NCS BEST OF]:
For Video Shoot please contact us:
Channel :- Kapda Bazar
Creator :- Nesar Ali (6290204074)
Editor :- Bikky (7890118188)
Email :- kapdabazar58@gmail.com
Video Disclaimer:-
All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them.If you purchage or buy anything will be at your own concern or risk. Please survey the market before any consignment. This video is just for giving information about different types of garments.