1. Acknowledge what you’re truly afraid of (not being beautiful in your eyes or those you love, accepted, critiqued, feeling like you made a mistake. How are you defining yourself? Are you letting others define you?)
2. Only with risk can there be reward (playing it safe might be comfortable, but it can lead to complacency. You might feel safe, but is there an inner stirring that you’re not honoring. Does your self talk sound like: I don’t have the hair for that, face for that, or body for that. Are you truly happy where you are? Or do you feel stuck based on parameters you’ve set)
3. With risk, there can be failure (You don’t like it. What lessons will be learned? develop character and coping strategies, importance of positive self-talk and a value system. Be realistic about the risk you took. Keep it in perspective. Your best look may come in the grow-out phase, and you never would have known had you not taken the plunge)
4. Beauty is in the eye of EVERY beholder. (you may hate it, but others may love. You may love it, others may hate it. People see themselves through you *Ballet Ball slideshow example* You won’t please everyone all the time, even yourself. Learn that your beauty is not defined by a single hairstyle. See this as an opportunity to see yourself differently, a character in a movie, role play a little by changing up some other areas like makeup and wardrobe. It’s powerful!
5. Celebrate the leap you took off the high dive! (you climbed the ladder and saw the ground get farther and farther away, you stood up on that high dive thinking no way. You walked back and forth, trying to talk yourself in and out of it, but you made that leap, felt that pit in your stomach, wondered when your body would hit the water. In you went and exhilarated, you popped up, stared at that diving board and realized it wasn’t so bad after all. In fact, you might want to get up and do it again!
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