
How to Become Rich - 3 Secrets All Self-Made Millionaires Use (POWERFUL!)

How to Become Rich - 3 Secrets All Self-Made Millionaires Use (POWERFUL!) FREE TRAINING: Click to Discover How to turn what you ALREADY KNOW Into Extraordinary successful business with an impact (LIVE with Tony Robbins): (closing soon)

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What if you took the top 1% of performers in the world, the self made millionaires, billionaires, and looked at what they all had in common. Today, you're going to get those three secrets that they all share. These are inspiring stories from self made millionaires and billionaire entrepreneurs that you can replicate and incorporate if you want to become wealthy. 35 years ago, Richard flight was grounded. He was trying to get from Puerto Rico back home to a steamy, romantic girlfriend he hadn't seen in three weeks. Needless to say, he was pretty motivated, right? While most people would give up, you know, ordered a beer and wrote out the unfortunate weather, Richard Branson refused to settle. He grabbed a chalkboard and figured out how much it would cost to charter a plane and the cost per passenger. He then wrote that price on the chalkboard, walked around the little airport to all the grounded passengers and recruited enough people to charter the plane and that became the first Virgin Atlantic flight.

Richard Branson used secret number three millionaires and billionaires make the way instead of following one. Realize that if you're an entrepreneur, someone who wants to be rich, someone who wants more impact for yourself and income, the only reason you're going to have a job is to solve problems. So reframe problems as good because that's where the opportunity for you exists, and that's where you can problem solve and create success. Or to quote Richard Branson, if your dreams don't scare you, they're too small. Elan wasn't born into money. Mom was a dietician and dad was an electromechanical engineer, but he did get rich relatively quickly. At 23 he founded a company and then sold it by age 28 for a whopping $307 million becoming a multi multimillionaire over nights. So let me ask you a question. What would you do right now? If you were in his shoes, you have over $307 million by age 28 it's pretty nice, right?

Buy some bottles, service material, stuff like a Rolex, maybe a suit, a Lambo, other things we see on Instagram, flex in, right? Then you're missing self made millionaires. Secret number two, money is the byproduct of success. Not a means to it. Elon Musk could have stopped there, but he went on to found space X Tesla, the boring company that makes apparently flame throws because Hey, why not Flint? Those are pretty cool, right? Like this video, if you like some flame for ours because we want this video to really heat up. I hope these stories burn off the limiting beliefs you have around money. Last one, I had two. I'll stop. What we can realize is that Elan creates an innovates because that's what he's made to do and fulfills him and he loves doing it, not because he's chasing money and I know that sounds a little cliche, but think about this.

The biggest factor, if someone is going to be rich or not comes down to this. Are you working to escape something? Are you working just for a one day, one day when I make up a Gillian kajillion dollars, then I can never work again and have people feeding me grapes out of my throne. That's literally what gets promoted on social media, but it's complete BS and I think it's toxic and backwards. If your plan is to make a lot of money so you can retire and do what you love, why not do the thing you love and have money be the byproducts? I'm willing to bet that you'll do better work and make more money because your work is better. To quote Elon Musk when something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. Who is frustrated and feeling like a failure.

He was physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially broke. He was alone and almost 40 pounds overweight. To top it off, he was living in a small studio apartment where he had to wash dishes in the bathtub because there was no kitchen until one day Tony Robbins decided to raise his standards. The three words that famously changed his life. In 1983 Tony Robbins took out a pen and paper. He wrote down an entire new set of goals in his journal. All the things he would no longer settle for and what he was 100% committed to having in his life. One of those things was just a modest Del Mar castle. Yes, a frickin castle coming from the guy who lived in a studio apartment, slept in a hammock and washed...

This video is about How to Become Rich - 3 Secrets All Self-Made Millionaires Use (POWERFUL!)

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