
i probably fucked up the lyrics so i’m sorry

i probably fucked up the lyrics so i’m sorry strings - young the giant

now that i’m no longer in my teen years, i’ve been thinking a lot about my future and the possibility of having someone to share it with. i often tell people that marriage terrifies me, but i feel like I mislead them with a statement like that. it’s not the idea of having that life-long commitment with someone that scares me—i want that. i’m afraid of choosing the wrong person who i’d inevitably end up losing because things didn’t work out.

although i don’t share the same spiritual beliefs as the rest of my family, i do still see marriage as something so sacred that it cannot be broken once it’s been set in place. i’m not saying i’m any better than people who are divorcing or have been divorced. i’m simply saying that that’s something i want for myself—to marry someone for life, not a moment.

anyway, thank you reading my nonsense. enjoy.


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