It would mean the world to me if you would subscribe to my channel and like the video!
My Channel:
My Discord server invite link:
My Twitter:
My Instagram:
Thumbnail maker:
I upload every 3-7 days!
Around 5PM EST
Like goal: 100+ likes on this video!
Q & A
Q: Can you build something for me
A: I am very busy with planning videos, recording/editing, so I do not have time to build something for you, sorry!
Q: Can I recreate one of your builds
A: Yes you can, just as long as you credit me for the build.
Q: How did you earn so much money
A: I made a video on it but a short summary would be
Do not look at how much you are earning because time will go slower
And watch a YouTube video or Netflix while working.
Q: When are you doing a face reveal
A: Face reveal is planned at 100k-250k subscribers!
Q: When are you doing a voice reveal
A: Voice reveal planned at 50k-150k subscribers!
Q: Can I join you?
A: I turn my joins on sometimes so that when you can join me!
Q: Can I talk to you?
A: I am very busy but I do talk to my fans on my discord server at times! Here's the link to join:
Q: Can you tell (user) to friend me?
A: I don't want to be that guy who tells friends to friend a random person so I choose not to tell my friends to friend people. Sorry!
Q: When can I meet you?
A: I host meet and greets sometimes in my meet and greet made by AlternativeReality, I will host a meet and greets randomly so look out!
Q: Can you please donate?
A: No I can't donate even if I wanted to. There's a limit for starters and also it will be unfair to donate to just one person, I would have to donate to everyone which is impossible.