The Full Moon in Virgo can help us look at the past with discernment to understand what worked and what didn't work.
Venus was in Aries which created a fiery, passionate energy to relationships. That may have been romantic, but also potentially confrontational, especially with Saturn in Capricorn (lots of getting rid of what isn't efficient) squaring up with Venus as it left Aries and entered Taurus. In the video I said I'd talk about this, but I didn't. Essentially, this energy will ask us to find where we feel safe in our relationships and be honest about our expectations. I will go into more detail in my next update.
I ended the video with continuing on in the garden analogy (from February video, link below) about the coming Spring energy and not digging up the seeds we've planted to check if they are growing.
February 2020 video:
Surviving Mercury Retrograde Video:
Transparent Matrix March 7-12 Update:
Lee Harris March Update: