
Musk Comments on Tesla Warranty Expirations and Analogies to Gaming Business

Musk Comments on Tesla Warranty Expirations and Analogies to Gaming Business Musk comments on current Fleet under warrant and why is it so important for autocompanies like Tesla.
In this video I will share what I consider to be one of the most underrated revenue driver for Tesla in the medium/long run. Musk comments on Warranty expiration for auto companies.
At the end of the video I share the clip where musk talks about the Warranty Expiration importance and compares gaming consoles and video games sales to auto companies business model.

Musk full interview from Third Row Tesla Podcast Link bellow

Once again thank you very much for watching!


Please bear in mind that these are solely my opinions and that I am not recommending any investment advice over the course of this video.

Tesla,Tesla Parts,Tesla Maintenance,Tesla Warranty,Tesla Stock Catalysts,Musk Plan,Elon Musk Interview,Elon Musk on Warranty,Repairing a Tesla,Tesla Repair Cost,Tesla Stock,Tesla Warranty 2020,Tesla Games,Tesla Gaming,

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