
ON CONSISTENCY - Doing The Same Things Every Time Until It Becomes Habit

ON CONSISTENCY - Doing The Same Things Every Time Until It Becomes Habit Consistency is one of those things that takes effort to develop. It takes changing your behavior purposefully in the moment and following that through to all of the moments after as well.

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I remember being an apprentice electrician and not doing anything the same way twice. It wasn't me doing it intentionally, it was me just not being purposeful with my actions, and not knowing that I needed to be. This allowed for a lot more mistakes to happen because I didn't have any well-defined habits that would ensure they didn't happen.

A silly thing that used to happen a lot was me forgetting where I put my keys. I'd always put my keys or my wallet (or both) in random places and would never pay attention to where that place was. This made me have to search around for both of these things the next day when I'd have to go to work, and because I was always leaving at the last second, it often made me late (later) for work. So I started changing my behavior to always put my keys and wallet on a table next to my front door, and never anywhere else. It's been years now and I still do it to this very day. Because I'm consistent with the behavior, it's stuck, and now I always know where my wallet and keys are and this is never an issue.

Another thing that I'd do is leave tools on job sites...ALL THE TIME. Didn't matter, sawsalls, drills, ladders, extension cords, battery chargers with batteries on them...HUNDREDS of dollars of tools at a time left on jobs just waiting to be stolen. Not all the time are they stolen, but sometimes you need the tool the next day and you're not on that same job. It's a big deal leaving tools on jobs, so my fix for this problem is I started only putting tools in one place when I get to a job. I have an area that I put all my tools in, and that's where they stay. While I'm using a tool I keep it on my body when I'm not using it, I don't set it up in a ceiling, or hang it from tools are either in my hands or in my pouches or bags. This ensures that when I go to clean up, everything is easily accountable and I didn't leave a drill sitting on top of a wall and don't see it.

For odd items like a battery charger with batteries on it. Sometimes you can't put everything together, because you don't have power in a convenient place, so you have to put these somewhere other than where all your tools are. Any odd-ball items like this that I think I'll leave on a job site because I'll forget about them I treat differently. I leave my keys hooked onto them. I'm always driving, I'm never the passenger, so we can't leave until I have my keys. I go get my keys, and hell yes...there's my batteries. This has worked so many times I can't tell you how valuable this behavior change has been.

Once you start to integrate some of these behaviors into your life, they work. The next challenge is to do them again the next day, then again the next day, and again, and again...get my point here? Consistency is doing the same things the same way, over and over. This will lock it in as a habit over time. You'll still mess up every so often, but just notice it, change it, and get back on track.

#consistency #motivation #positivity




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