
Qanon - Through the Looking Glass. Prepare for the Storm.

Qanon - Through the Looking Glass. Prepare for the Storm. Part 4 in the "Looking Glass" series.

Events leading up to "Asking the Q" are ramping up. Excessive crumbs being dropped from all directions. February 21, 2012 - Marker__The Great Awakening. Future proves past. Let's go deeper and darker down the rabbit hole... together.


Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Twitter thread containing images:

My Patriot News family:

Qanon,Project Looking Glass,Project Pegasus,Qarmy,Time Travel,MAGA,Trump,Qanon Decode,Decode,Tesla,Nikola Tesla,John Trump,Trump Uncle,Tesla Papers,Plus Ultra,Patriot News,Ivanka Trump,Q posts,Q Decode,Trump India,

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