
Tommy Robinson telephone call with Detective.

Tommy Robinson telephone call with Detective. This is snippets from the telephone call between Tommy Robinson and the Detective investigating the alleged sexual assault on Tommy’s daughter.

The entire call was uploaded into Tommy’s official YouTube channel but has since been removed.

To be honest, this wasn’t Tommy’s best phone call but there was a very interesting moment that could be important.

In the whole call the Officer at one point says that Tommy was arrested because witnesses had said they had seen Tommy lunch the guy ‘several times’. If the guy is a paedo then a few punches is the least he deserves but the law doesn’t work like that. Tommy has a right to hold the guy as there was reasonable grounds to suspect that an indictable offence has been committed. This right is given to Tommy by Section 24a Police and Criminal Evidence act 1984. However, by law the any person’s arrest must be affected using reasonable force. This comes under Section 3 Criminal Law act 1967. I wasn’t there and don’t know the level of resistance the guy put up against Tommy detaining him. There could be a situation where several punches is deemed reasonable under Sec 3 CLA 1967. Tommy isn’t a normal citizen. Any excuse to get him in cuffs is always gonna be taken as Tommy is persecuted in the UK.

Tommy did make some assumptions in the call that were a bit off to which the Officer replied with a fair response.

The interesting bit about the call is when Tommy was attempting to correct the Officer in regards to where the alleged sexual assault took place the Officer followed up with ‘I know where it happened I saw it on the CCTV’. That seems to me that the Officer is referring to an actual specific offence and not just an alleged offence. I know where IT happened I SAW IT on the CCTV.


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